Hello guys! Kamusta? Pasyal tayo! 😉
It’s definitely spring here in Australia, and the flowers are in full bloom! Canberra’s Floriade is a perfect place to experience the beauty of nature , plus a good excuse for that long drive .

Read more to view some of the gorgeous blooms at the festival 😉

Upon entry, these lovely flowers and their scent will welcome you.

Aside from these blooms, there are different stalls along the area which sells food and stuff for children’s boredom 😉

They are already based at Canberra. Glad to have a quick catch up with them!

Floriade is a FREE event which runs until October 13, 2019, 9:30 am -5:30 pm. For more info: Click here: https://floriadeaustralia.com/event-info/
Definitely a great experience for the family this Spring season! 😉

Watch our Floriade visit here: Please SUBSCRIBE on our YT channel! – Click here! 😉
Stay tuned for some other attractions we visited at Canberra. 😉 Like our FB page for you to be update with our stories and adventure – Click here! 😉