A-Z activities - tobringtogether.com
Earlier in January 2016, we arrived in Australia. Dada and I both decided that I will be a homemaker for now and take care of both of them.
Marshall is just 2 1/2 years old at this time. People would suggest that we could already enrol Marshall in a daycare. Daycare is typical for kids here in Australia. Though aside from the fact that it is costly, we both think that it is not the perfect time yet for us to leave Marshall in a daycare. We believe that this is the best chance for us to make up for the times we weren’t around Marshall. Simultaneously, to help him build his character and teach him good manners.
Nowadays, children are very much into gadgets. Honestly, we were guilty on this aspect especially those periods when we were both working. Marshall used to be very attached to his iPad. Thankfully, we slowly managed to explain to him the importance of physical activities rather than sitting and focusing on the iPad. We still allow him to use iPad though, during weekends, (only when he remembers it), and we try to be with him when he uses it on our utmost time.
While we have this moment, as a stay at home mom, I need to make sure that Marshall is learning and at the same time having fun. Preparing daily recreational pursuit is not that easy. I try to research a sufficient number of activities that are good for at least a month (if I am lucky enough to have time). If not, then I cram and that wouldn’t result positively. The tasks also depend on Marshall’s interest based on my assessment of his intellectual and emotional capacities.
Suggestions and additional information would be of great help.
We hope that we could inspire parents together with kids by sharing these ongoing activities. Click each link and enjoy! 😉
Hope you enjoy our activities! And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE on our YT channel. ;))