Nowadays, with all the economy flights and reasonable hotel prices, traveling to various places has never been this wieldy. Unlike in the past, it would definitely cost you an arm and a leg before you can even go for a short tour. For this reason, a considerable amount of people coddiwomple given the fact of all the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.
With this, I thought of 7 points of how traveling greatly affected our lives.
1. It gives us a sense of RELAXATION.

My husband has his own personal stress predominantly from work. On the other hand, I am always a busy little beaver may it be at work as a nurse, or at home as a wife and mom. Having even just a short wayfaring resets everything and help us get back on track fully charged and energized.
2. It makes us familiar with different CULTURES.

Traveling allows us to recognize multifarious cultures and mores. Having said that, it is essential for an adventurer to give respect to each nation’s folklore.

3. We learn to appreciate the beauty of NATURE.

Isn’t it astonishing how God created all of these picturesque sceneries? The explicit pulchritude of nature always leaves us bewildering.

4. It gives us a chance to RECONNECT WITH FRIENDS.
As we grow older, our casual social circle shrinks. Despite the distance, real friends will always remain no matter what and traveling will lead to reconnection and harmony.

5. It freshens up our MARRIAGE.

Back when my husband and I would have all the time in the world just for the two of us, we would paint the town red and would wander to different places both locally and internationally. Now that we have a little man, we still try to have a sweet escape and spend alone time together which we both think is very healthy for our marriage. Traveling is beyond any doubt a breather for couples.

6. My son became more ADVENTUROUS and positively INDEPENDENT.
My husband and I previously worked in Singapore while our 2-month old son was left in the Philippines with our parents. It broke our hearts being away from him so at 3 months old, he flew to Singapore with us. 30 days was the maximum days of stay, so we needed to send him back to the Philippines after a month. My husband and I would go back to Singapore without him and after a month, we would go back to the Philippines again and bring him back to Singapore together with either my parents or parents-in-law. This story went on for about 2 years until we finally moved to Sydney.

We initially thought that we would end up giving up our desire to travel. Turns out that the three of us are travellers. Honestly, it is costly especially when he turns 2 and air tickets are no longer free. But if you come to think of it, the memories are actually priceless. Because we’ve been traveling to heaps of places we allotted a family travel fund to suit our traveling fervor.

7. It makes our FAMILY UNIFIED.

Travel doesn’t always need to be fancy as long as your with your loved ones. Although, at times, it is complicated and undeniably pricey, there are no better people to spend that precious time and seize every moment other than our own family.

Above all, despite all life’s challenges, travel made us realize how favorable life can be and how blessed we are as a family. To all this travels, all praises and glory to God Almighty! 😉