This was Marshall’s 1st birthday celebration last November 08, 2014. He’s actually 3 years and 5 months now. Haha! I know, I know! This is a very long overdue post and finally, I was able to squeeze in some time to check our almost full hard drive and upload these photos here. As a matter of fact, I still have a bunch of photos that are still waiting to be synced, so please bear with the busy mom.

It was more than 2 years ago, hence, it seems as though it was just a couple of weeks back. Oh.. time really flies… I can still remember the open letter I wrote to him.

Back in 2014, Dada and I were both working in Singapore while Marshall was in the Philippines. These were those moments which we were still separated by distance and it was truly heartbreaking. His first birthday, unfortunately, fell on a weekday (Friday) and sadly I wasn’t granted leave so we were left with no other choice but to celebrate it on a Saturday instead. Dada and I went back to the Philippines and stayed there for 36 hours then flew back to Singapore thereafter. Imagine that!

Because of this time constraint, we planned for a hassle free celebration and glad that we found a great deal from Max’s. We’ve been eyeing their package initially when Marshall had his Baptismal but we changed our plans at that time. So for his 1st year, we decided to go ahead with their package.

I’m so lucky to have a very hands on sister in law, Tetet, as she helped us survey a location and speak to the staff for all our requests, on behalf of Dada and I.10644785_10203173435239692_307151491750818619_o10275502_10203174368143014_6521555201716587438_o

Max’s have various theme package but of course, we chose the racer package and requested for black, red, and white balloons. We opted for Kids B for 20 kids.

They already provided the birthday tarpaulin.1557224_10203173436879733_5887282897305321549_o

But still, we also brought ours. The Staff helped us placed it in a corner so we can use it as a photo booth area. 10428303_10203174365462947_3797264622420647413_o

We also carried with us our own party accessories and decors which we purchased in Divi. πŸ™‚10655445_10203174358422771_4496547469317036829_o1490810_10203174396103713_3906649657393534971_o10750072_10203174362022861_8687483104451785445_o10688388_10203174363582900_6888627943292750631_o10355567_10203174364462922_3075067404787588601_o

The kids were provided with their own kiddie chairs and tables.10629395_10203173440919834_6162271164036744479_o
and were given name tags and party hats.10750479_10203173444639927_1191208135867717648_o

Games and prizes were included. Pulot ng coins! πŸ˜‰1957687_10203173449200041_4906022614798197521_o

Marshall was also searching for one.10273208_10203173449720054_1670499954048489688_oAnd he was able to pick one! πŸ™‚10486154_10203173450720079_7613041812920636201_o10484167_10203174370623076_3094801574300687873_o10371168_10203174368863032_3028382885672673901_o

Of course, there was a game for the bigger kids too! πŸ™‚marshall@151401195_10203173456360220_8569084290019262024_o

I guess they enjoyed the game more than the kids! hehe!10750449_10203174377983260_5812775022354524865_o

When the game was done, the food were all served. 10682192_10203173443159890_8175801013522438163_o

We decided to take Menu 2 for 50 persons. 10515140_10203173439919809_8447658964662132523_o10295106_10203174384343419_8035945231624792671_o

Honestly, I wasn’t able to eat well cause I was busy with Marshall and was tied up with chikahan. But the guests seemed to be pleased with the meal, so thumbs up!10517647_10203173439479798_8578861755482725642_o10380615_10203174395503698_5069166112119185075_o1273936_10203174387183490_360831263010404219_o

And the kids enjoyed their food as well.10623993_10203173434839682_2652185561208272301_o10661632_10203173459080288_2533644395716390483_o10714467_10203173459360295_4136153864468773785_o1401670_10203173460360320_8389824430558728441_oAnd Marshall loved it too!905848_10203173460800331_7596869175865718646_o10486154_10203173453760155_3792308216585230337_o10486154_10203173454200166_2020694772146188736_o1966033_10203173451600101_7693519659653754426_o

After the meal, Chickie boy came!10547782_10203173461000336_1519552520673498367_o

I guess Marshall was surprised with the mascot!10712583_10203173461800356_201560856801112242_o1891441_10203174397223741_2327987287086693585_o10733847_10203174398063762_2868567935671195548_o10712678_10203173462360370_2131498933971856898_o

After some time, we then sang a happy birthday song for marshall while blowing his cake.10712625_10203173443839907_1867566826061563579_o

This cake was included in the package.10608380_10203174372863132_4079488962765538469_o-1024x768a10620290_10203174400023811_7407307507103152600_o10733382_10203174402183865_8222652715254855907_o10749942_10203174402743879_3265129018393192983_o

Then, the Birthday Cake Smash.10275609_10203174412504123_6412616755094712029_o

We let him smash the cake just a bit kasi sayang! Actually, he only took the car toy! hehe! And we brought home the cake.10714175_10203174412824131_6602853351939510415_o

Anyway, we brought our own cupcakes for everyone to eat. We ordered from one of our friend who had some baking business. Mas mura compared to other cupcakes store and yet it’s tasteful. The Staff allowed us to set up a mini candy bar. We were lucky that they didn’t ask for additional payment. Sweets were brought by my other sister in law, Ate Leah. We placed car accessories labels.a10679724_10203174372423121_1733151793799540683_o-1024x768

Chocolate and red velvet cupcakes.a10634087_10203173442879883_7328217921388482225_o-1024x683

After that, we gave our big surprise for the birthday boy!marshall@1410608543_10203174406863982_5687731335470962854_o10620205_10203174409624051_4401784378112536513_o10255642_10203173463920409_6367107238805886586_o

Overall, we had fun during that big day! Big thanks to Max’s staff and crew for all the help during the event. And of course, this wouldn’t be possible without our families and friends who celebrated with us.

To God be the glory! πŸ™‚10472823_10203174388143514_9067647677494741764_o10623752_10203174393463647_8113582119360259378_o10679703_10203174420224316_326299062109970241_o1799140_10203174416184215_8186557964866307467_o10694279_10203174419184290_7237109038164660143_o10697151_10203174428544524_3583938815598458013_o10712490_10203174365502948_3268613725643263272_o10714231_10203174421384345_1656822057880203206_o1399716_10203174389463547_7397307208102819723_o1495150_10203174414184165_7629887660721066708_omarshall@131553060_10203174380743329_1702443684886884480_o1399716_10203174389463547_7397307208102819723_o1658187_10203174385423446_8323160205830475647_o1008685_10203174391063587_5636180836527516549_o1599328_10203174423264392_5242361378209956611_o1553414_10203174425864457_6765511443556048942_oThat night we all went to sleep late as we were busy opening all his gifts.marshall11

The next morning we had a feast again before flying back to Singapore. Nothing beats a simple boodle fight with the family πŸ˜‰IMG_0088

It was indeed a memorable first birthday! πŸ˜‰ Thank you God for this blessing! πŸ™‚
